Q:What do we do for you?
A:Technology Process Engineering

  • Technology Process Engineering is the convergence and wise application of emerging technology to a process that makes the process more efficient and secure.
  • The accomplishment of this requires a solid understanding of both the business process and the technology being applied.
  • While the objective of process may not change, the reality of changes in technology make this an on-going exersize in order to see continued improvements.
  • It is rare to find an individual who is able to maintain focus on the process while keeping pace with the evolution of technology, so this endeavor requires collaboration and inclusion of multiple skill sets to obtain the objective.

Q:How is this accomplished?
A:Finding and implementing technology solutions

  • Solutions Architecture is the process of looking at your technology challenges and planning out a way to solve these challenges.
  • Implementation is the process of getting a solution up and running.
  • Training is the process of helping you and your team to learn how to effectively utilize technology in your environment.
  • Documentation is the process of equipping you with a reference for the technology you employ.